Wizards and Wanderers

I often think to myself that there are people who are just blasting through this life in amazing ways. I think they have their shit together. Little bothers them. They are focus and purposeful on this journey. They are the Wizards. On the other side are the lost. Lives seem often disheveled. They appear lost. They go from task to task in a buzz. Distracted. Emotional. These are the Wanderers. The truth is we are all a bit of both. At times we are focused and life is relatively smooth. We know what we want and we are on track. Then life situations happen. Instability comes. Things get in upheaval. People, places and things change. We are human and emotions run high. Life can get messy. We can lose our way. That's the mystery of life. It's a journey not for the faint of heart. Nothing is guaranteed. No one has the answers. Not one of us is all Wizard. Nor is one a constant Wanderer. Life will change and we must chameleon along with the changes. Ea...