
Showing posts from July, 2021

Calm Breathing Tools

There are many breathing Techniques/Tools that are used to help calm minds, ease anxiety, create focus, etc.  Breathing  exercises can help you  relax , because they make your body feel like it does when you are already  relaxed . Deep  breathing  is one of the best ways to lower  stress  in the body. This is because when you  breathe  deeply, it sends a message to your brain to calm down and  relax . ( A basic tool is slow breaths. Just in and out. In through the nose, out the mouth. Sticking to it til you can maintain a steady, even rhythm.  Square Breathing is like a square. Breathe in through the nose to the count of 4. Hold  to the count of 4. Release out the mouth to the count of 4 then pause to the count of 4. Again. The square.  Deep, even opening the lungs. Working to the solar plexis and diaphram. Relaxing. You can start with a lower count of 3 and work up to a 4. Another technique (webmd) Ho...

50 Things to me to be grateful for

I am writing this without the answer but here goes my attempt for the actual real 50 things I am grateful for right in this moment of writing. ( no lists or guides to help....honest! )  1. My  Dog a comfort when he is in the 6.4 pds ..more of a ewok... 2. Own safe apartment   as safe goes... 3. Can cook   bake, create, stretch budget 4. Keep my area clean   it isn't my ma's but it's good 5. Sew skill    making handsewn comfort bears 6. Can write    Blog, poetry, short stories 7. Can paint   canvas or proper paper varied styles 8. Admire junk 9. Birds 10. Fresh air 11. Sunshine 12. Seeing something cute/heartwarming 13. Seeing something inspiring 14. Real Friends 15. Social media friends and support 16. Green Apples 17. Oatmeal peanut butter cookies 18. The smell of fresh baking bread 19. Flowers  20. Music variety 21. Technology that I am able to navigate 22. Plethatude of learning material..even in pap...