50 Things to me to be grateful for

I am writing this without the answer but here goes my attempt for the actual real 50 things I am grateful for right in this moment of writing. ( no lists or guides to help....honest! ) 

1. My Dog a comfort when he is in the mood...is 6.4 pds ..more of a ewok...
2. Own safe apartment   as safe goes...
3. Can cook   bake, create, stretch budget
4. Keep my area clean   it isn't my ma's but it's good
5. Sew skill    making handsewn comfort bears
6. Can write    Blog, poetry, short stories
7. Can paint   canvas or proper paper varied styles
8. Admire junk
9. Birds
10. Fresh air
11. Sunshine
12. Seeing something cute/heartwarming
13. Seeing something inspiring
14. Real Friends
15. Social media friends and support
16. Green Apples
17. Oatmeal peanut butter cookies
18. The smell of fresh baking bread
19. Flowers 
20. Music variety
21. Technology that I am able to navigate
22. Plethatude of learning material..even in paper format ..available
23. Papa Don
24. When sibs are truly listening/supportive
25. Storage containers of all sizes
26. Papas cardinal painting ( he has alzheimers)
27. Pictures we saved
28. Making new friends slowly
29. Learning boundaries
30. Owning a car
31. Air conditioner floor box
32. A series of cards I recieved when I requested to lift my spirit. They still do.
33. Cheese
34. Chocolate
35. Coffee
36. My ingenuity through covid to mend and make do
37. Cute toes...I still have 
38. Hair grows back
39.Vanilla drops added to spicy chai tea
40. Chai tea
41. Twinkle lights for night
42. Old boxes/ storage/ wood carpentry toolbox
43. Having learned to budget ...less stress
44. Comfortable bed
45. Cable tv 
46. A phone
47. Fresh food
48. Hummingbirds
49. Fine craftwork (wood, pottery etc)
50. Fresh Carribean air


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