@crazyasscancer That was her handle on Twitter. She was a stage 4 Anal Cancer warrior . 2016 Being myself stage 0-1 I had started to look for others with same cancer. There was little information about it and it was then quite embarrasing for me to talk about. I found @abumrap first on twitter and from there found two others. One passed that first year. Michelle was still fighting and out sharing, educating and writing a book. We talked on several occassions. She was kind and inspiring. She had a family she was proud of. She foughy for long term palliative care for cancer patients. She living her life the best she could She passed on June 10th. I had known she was in for a lung biopsy months ago but there had been no talk of it since. I am still in shock she has gone. Her battle complete. I mourn for her, her family and life friends. For me I mourn her as well as turn to my own anal cancer. I am in the m...