
Showing posts from September, 2020

My Comfort

My heart was beyond heavy.  Tears flowed, seemingly without end.  The issues many.  Physical and emotional pain had me.  I felt this little fur paw on my arm.  Not pulling for attention.  He lay tight to my side.  All 6.2lbs of him.  My little dog.  I rubbed his fur hand.  He rest his head.  Like he knew. Myself not well. Papa not himself at all with Alzheimers. Low on doggy treats.  That he knew for sure. He Stayed.  And stayed.  Licking the salty tears away as they dropped.  My comfort.


We have faced many difficulties throughout life. Chaĺlenges, experiences, abuse, love, loss.... Our supports have been full at times.  Other times few.  Sometimes none.  We have been leaning hard on a friend we met through twitter.  He has become The Support. Besides my elderly folks I really have no one else close.  John is not close either. It's a five hour transit trip. 21/2 by car.  He has been to help comfort.  Help me when I am ill.  Take me to appointments, do my chores and far far more.  He knows all 5 well.  He will even read to Wee. Here or on the phone.  It is touching the care he has in him.  Wee calls him Jonjon. He is Her friend. Lol. John. So many words to thank you. You are loved here. Just as you are you, are the finest of friends. ♡

What am I doing??

Motivated by so many issue that hit home and resonate. So many causes to champion for.  Where does my own movement begin and end? This is a difficult question with the agendas of 5 (Dissociative System). The 'bigs' have opinions and views that don't always meet. The 'Wee' does too.  I am me. Host. This is my life. I want to reflect my beliefs. Yet We are a compliation and my home, my clothing, even food speaks of the differences.  Again, where does my own movement or mission begin and end?  I have the obvious. PTSD With DID. I speak of my physical health issues thus challenging the beliefs about Anal Cancer, rare cancers, disabilty life and hpv virus.  My biggest hope is to show others that we are not so much different when it comes to coping and all need each other to helo us find our way, to hold on, a caring smile.  These days I am not well both ways. I am in a bad cycle. I know time and reaching out to others who are like me helps.  Answers will co...