
Sooo much I am trying to cope with in my life. I am not unique. Many people have things I ongoing cancer lost.
I am unique in how I cope, or do not cope.
So much learning.
Part of me wants to just curl up and fade away.
I am in a place much is out of my hands.
With that I struggle even to do the smallest task.
#PurpleFriday for Childhood Sexual Abuse..I tweeted as much as I could.
Being unwell...mental health has been "my job".
It is good to share. I want to help where I can.
Today I was with a friend in need. Back up friend too.
I knew I was not in great shape but in helping my friend I help myself.
I pulled out for self care.
Overtired and mind racing. I am back in my own Stuff.
I truly just don't know anymore.
I am scattered.


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