
Showing posts from February, 2018

A 'Good' Day

I picked myself up again. Literally pulling myself by will out of bed. It is safe. You are fine. Nothing to think about but going for your coffee. Morning semblance of roution. It was decided after two 'crying' crap days today no crying. I would avoid some triggers. Get outside. Go out. I did. I challenged myself. I went to a couple places I normally avoid like the plague. I went. I shopped. I....dallied a is normally a race. Get in get out. I actually browsed. I breathed my way through. It was not a picnic. I accomplished what I set to do. I breathed through after when I returned home. No tears. It took some doing to avoid some things but I managed. Grateful for a Success after many awful days.


Hope crawled out from beneath her rock....all clear???? A sliver of Light who called to her. Warmth took her hand. Air filled her and pushed her along. Hold on to Hope, Light said. So I did. ~A.R.


These are suggestions to keep in your tools for additional self care. ~Plush chest size comfort stuffy. Animal or pillow... A U shape pillow can also be comforting ~Hot/cold compresses, gel packs, or bean bag. Heating pad with timer. ~Herbal Tea. Hot Water. Instant soup. ~Easy foods to prepare or have for supplements. ~Favorite snacks. ~Drink enough H2o reminder ~Protein bars or a supplement if prone to not eatting enough ~List of Contact numbers. Friends, family, local helplines. ~ medications if needed ~lavender, peppermint or eucalyptus for calm and breathing ~ breathing technique reminder ~distraction ie Find it book                              Wordsearch                              Puzzle ...

A 'Dread Day'

She woke up sweating. Her cold had not abandoned the body through the night. Crap. Still sick. Hack, hack. She pulled herself upright. Ugh. Get up. GET UP. Waddled off for a pee. Yank on a sweater. She headed for the kitchen. Wee Ticky was still asleep in his bed. All fours pointed to the ceiling. A gaurd dog was probably not his strong suit. More a floor...or face..cleaner. This was on the Dreaded Day list. Like anniveraries of deaths, losses, bad memories. A day that just is a reminder. There are Joy Days too. This one was not in anyway close to Joy. Her hands were shaking while she poured herself a cup of hot coffee. No avoiding she picked up her phone. Immediately the Date blinked at her. Yes, she knew the day. She liked to call it Singles Awareness Day aka VALENTINE'S DAY!! At 47 she had her shared of fantastic love. That was perhaps the problem. Had she not known it she would not miss it. Too late. Loads of hearthache sat heavy on this day. A pretend smile if h...