A 'Good' Day

I picked myself up again. Literally pulling myself by will out of bed.
It is safe. You are fine. Nothing to think about but going for your coffee. Morning semblance of roution.
It was decided after two 'crying' crap days today no crying.
I would avoid some triggers. Get outside. Go out.
I did. I challenged myself. I went to a couple places I normally avoid like the plague. I went. I shopped.
I....dallied a bit...it is normally a race. Get in get out.
I actually browsed.
I breathed my way through.
It was not a picnic.
I accomplished what I set to do.
I breathed through after when I returned home.
No tears.
It took some doing to avoid some things but I managed.
Grateful for a Success after many awful days.


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