Debunking Negative Self Talk

Often we have many negative things we have been told and tell ourselves. This negative self talk can be demeaning, disarming, shaming, demoralizing. It has no basis. No truth. Easily, we are vulnerable to believing these things.

The words we mentally hurl at ourselves are debilitating. Damaging our feelings of value and self worth. Promoting depression and anxiety.

Where do we get these words we tell ourselves?
Who's standards are we trying to meet?

In the process of healing. Looking for wellness we must refute and debunk these sets of words and negative beliefs about ourselves.
What are the truths? What is real about you?

To debunk those thoughts make two columns on paper. Write down the negative thought then puts truths in the other column of things that you see or have done that prove the thought incorrect.

Practice this to train your brain to turn those thoughts around. Lift yourself.

Know that you are more than you think.


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