
I am at my line on how much I can handle. I am okay with that some days.
Many things are not in my hands and I just have to be patient. much easier said than done!

Self care is essential.
But so are food, water, shelter etc. In this world these things cost money.

Yes money stress is nasty.

I live on a tight budget. I save little bits over a long period.

Things do suddenly happen. A home repair. Something break. Unexpected expenses.

I expect most people experience this at some point in their lives. I know it can cause all sorts of problems. A catalyst at times to marriage difficulties, individuals doing money juggling just to eat, depression can set in, paranoia of loss, anxiety and so on.

How do I cope?
Short of robbing a bank or begging on the corner (😋) I make do.

I breathe lots and know for me it has always worked out.


Look at the free things life offers and try to remember what is going right.

No matter how small, good things and any progress or things to smile for count.

It will get better.
Hold on.
Stay strong.


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