What I can handle

A lot.

They used to see me as sensitive.
Soft and kind with some spunk.
I can handle far more than they knew or know.

It is not in pride I say this but as a truth.
I am more than you know or understand.
I may say what I am facing or coping or I may not.

I can make my way somehow.
(DID add the helpers)
There is backbone here.

I am learning that the strength can also be in asking for what you need. ( Like having your friend keep you distracted from self harm during a bad set of days).

It isn't always pretty.
I get to a messy place and mind space.
I am still here.

In my life..
The pre cancer is a waiting volcano that has no stop. It will return and cancer is on my path.
Use it wisely.

Do I fight my depression and anxiety? Daily.
I am.

Never underestimate your power. We each have this deep in us.
Find it and use it.

Be brave.

We can handle it.


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