Injured One in Adjustment Mode

I finally got my move.

It happened really geared to income does here.
Waited painfully long.
My life not good there.
I am now in my new place.

Currently everything feels upside dow. Half unpacked.
Still deciding what goes where.
Waking in an unfamiliar place.
Getting to know just my way around the building and where recycling goes etc. has been big adjusting.

With DID my parts are doing the same and we all are feeling displaced in ways.
The norm of known is gone. We are alone with our little dog. It will take time for each to find their place as my 'system'. It will also be a bit for the anxiety to ease.

In the midst of this I have pulled the ligaments at my right hip.

In this packing and lifting (on top of repeated surgery hip problem), plus a bad twist ...then a header fall off a cedar chest ( yes I was going too fast )....well this body is hurting really bad.

I have so much to do and I just cannot. I can hardly weight bear on my right leg. I feel somewhat useless. The pain is tiring. Frustrated and getting sad. I am trying to focus on little tasks.

I swear I feel every bit my age.
This is my birthday month and I am sure my body warranty must be up.

Changes and life. I am injured and in adjustment mode.


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