Sleepy Hollow

Sleepy Hollow

A safe, quiet spot. Nestled in my own blankets with pillows in comfort. The heaviness of fatigue drawn on my face. Lines of the day blurred. Time in and out. I need to lay. Find sleep. If only the others within me would cooperate. Yes..we are 5 in total. At 49 active, little co consciousness due to a self protection, 4 aware and busy alters. Each with purpose and agenda. Often I, the 'host', will lay to sleep and another will get up. 
Oh so tired. The doctor sent a note to put up for All in me to see the periods the body requires sleep. 
It appears some may see this as a recomendation rather than  Perscription. 
Soon a pass out for a long period will happen. It always has been. A body will look after itself as well as it is able. Shut down much required.
Lay and wait.


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