Current Therapy

Since my teens I have been in psych therapy of one sort or another. On and off through my 20's. Into my 30's. 

My diagnosis changed over time. Things become more obvious or clear. I was diagnosed with PTSD at 26. Dissociative Identity Disorder was picked up by 36. 

I am staring at 50 and am on therapist/psychiatrist I don't know what number. 

I have had this psychiatrist since 2007. She is a military civilian psych. I got her by miracle really as military personnel and their spouses are her focus. 

I'd made a friend who was a veteren who took my file to her...she took me. Blessed. 
I had a comradarie with my veteran friend and some of their fellow ptsd mates. There was an awareness and acceptance I had not felt before. On many levels we could relate in the symptoms if trauma. 

This doctor understood. Over time she learned more about the DID through colleagues and seminars. Seeing me she saw the disorder frequently in motion. My 'alters' had therapy too. 

We started the therapy journey to really heal with this therapist. Things are far from perfect. The work continues. Hard, painful work. With this my 'system' has come together better. There is more cooperation. We have a long way to go. 
It is worth it and I am fortunate to have a very good doctor. 


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