Hard Days

If you've been following along you know we are losing our pa to Alzheimers and our ma has sold our childhood home...things are going super fast. 

Lots of triggers. 
Lots of sadness. 
Lots of fear. 
Lots of changes.

Adjusting. Accepting. Very hard. 

Lots of days feel paralyzing.

We find solace in small things.
Sit outside and just watch things go by. 
Brush our dog.
Do our toes up with polish.
Listen to music...sometimes with headphones so it drowns all else out. 
5 minutes of sewing or drawing or writing. Focus.
Call a friend. (Since Ontario is still in lockdown)
Call my pa or get my once a week visit. 
Talk to my twitter peeps.
Sit totally quiet with a cup of tea.
A good nap never hurts since I get little night sleep these days.

It is very hard to comfort one's self. It is hard to find guidance through obstacles only few understand. 

The body is in trauma mode in many ways. 
D.I.D. creates disharmony. 
Challenges of past rear. 
Anxiety is high in waves. 
Processing is on different levels. Confusion comes. 

Hard days. 

How long will this last? 
Can it be fixed in any way? 
Answers ....

Hard days. 


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