Experiencing Life

There are few knowns or facts about when where or why many things happen. 
How do we get through? There is not a life handguide. 
Who has the answers..who is god? We are each walking our own paths, in our own shoes. 

To live.
More than exist. 
Facing the myriad of what life can pass you. 

Those things we aim for. To pass the human trials. From birth and childhood, through adulthood to death the individual finds wisdom. It is through life experiences we use body, mind and spirit. We use our senses. We think and feel. 

A series of fortunate and unfortunate events.
A rollercoaster.
A real ride.

Reactions to the world and events we each much figure out our actions for the best for self. Balancing when to speak and when to diffuse. Balance sharing and caring with emptying your own cupboard (mind/heart). 

It happens
Things get "too fast for the slow part". 
Meltdowns or all kinds can just break out. Fiasco, catastrophizing mind. 
Beyond speedy and frazzled.
That's my burnout crash. 
It happens. 

Walk on.

Put you hand out for making new connections where you need. Mentors, networks, groups, on social media. 
Breathe and know we are all worthy of caring and kindness. 

I hope for you who is reading this, yes you😳! 
I wish for you all the tools, love and strength to Experience Life as far and funky as possible. Extra comfort for the total hardships.  This is Your Life Experince. Live Bravely You!


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