Create Support Network

Support is needed in life for everyone. Alone is not easy nor practical.

The saying ' No man is an island." is a life truth that we survive together. 

In times of Social Distancing, with a Pandemic, this can be exremely hard. Services and groups have gone virtual or have just gone completely. 

The human mind can only tolerate a certain amount of radical changes and restrictions.

Many have had their lives greatly impacted. Financially, iob changes or loss, loss of family and friends to the virus, having to move, strains in relationships, and so forth. 

As a society we have angst about what life is to come next as the virus continues in waves. 

It is now we are in crucial need of mental health care. We need people with new coping skills. Depression, Anxiety and other illnesses on the rise. As is the number of suicides increasing. 

As individuals this is a great time to learn to build your support network. 

Determine first what you may need.


-Friends for emotion talk a) by text b) by phone c) in person

-A 'get me out' friend to go places with for positive mindset.

-A friend for laughs. Share memes. Be silly. Watch funny videos. 

-A friend for bouncing ideas off of.

-People with like interests or hobbies to group with. 

-Chat groups on social media you may like to connect with others in. 

-You can create a tag each other friend circle that calls or texts each other as check in. 

-conversations with live video can give a feeling of presence. 

-We have forgotten letter writing either by email or snail mail. These are good tools for boost in connecting in a special way. 

With the limits we are under it is one way to stay grounded. Stay connected. Always have a support network, a list of people and numbers, written ways and plans to be in this together. 

Stay safe friends!


  1. You make an excellent point about establishing supportive relationships for different purposes and needs. I agree that we can't expect one person or even one group to support absolutely every need, so having a diverse support system can be so helpful. x

    1. Thank you for reading! Support is so important!

  2. Creating support networks is good and important for sure but really challenging. Struggle a lot with this. Won’t give up though.

  3. Writing letters is something that I have kept alive in my life providing me with the opportunity to get my feelings, dreams, desires, heartaches, disappointments shared and I have enjoyed each and every person with whom I correspond - yes a social network is very important. I am blessed with good friends, close and far, in a variety of situations in life and each brings to me a unique blessing as we share our journeys whether in person, on paper, zoom or phone.


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