Rail Nail

It has a distinct shape. 
The old ones are hand forged. 
They hold the ties. 
Very symbolic if you think about its purpose. 
A simple Rail Nail. 
Bigger than most but uncomplicated. 
One original purpose. 
To bind ties that held rails that cross nations. 
A worldwide tool. 
Used by many to create connections. 

I grew up knowing the Rail Nail. I still own several. My papa had a little of everything over my time, nevermind his! He passed last year. I hold my Rail Nail from him often. I know my siblings have had their Rail Nails. Some hold coats! 

The Nail can be crudely made. It weather's and rusts over time. Some are bent. 

I think of our own family connections. Often a disconnect, strained or just far. We have grown up and apart. Then we come together for moments and that Nail of our bond is there. 

But at times I am like the bent, rusty nail that somehow just doesn't fit. I am misunderstood.  I have PTSD with DID and there is a wedge in some ways. 

We are all different. But we are siblings. We are forever tied. 

That's the Rail Nail. 


  1. Spike 100lb or 200lb metal pails full of Spikes ,not railnails , connection between 2 lines usually included a Gold Spike to celebrate Union and prosperity from East to West .. Canada and USA 😉


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