Learning about Cptsd +DID ~ my perspective

My niece is in University. She was doing a paper for a psychology class about Complex Post Traumatic Disorder and Disassociation.
Being as that is part of my diagnosis she asked me four questions;

1. What symptoms do you experience with this disorder?
2. How does it impact your daily life? relationships? & how?
3. What treatments do you receive?
4. How did you learn you had this disorder?

1. Symptoms for me
Skipped time..
Odd sensation of not being alone
Anxiety and panic
Flashbacks (memories in detail)
State of fugue or a stuck moment ..zoned out ..used to call the look Shell Shock as most PTSD cases documented were of war veterans
((Complex ptsd is commonly trauma based. Most often repeated traumas in childhood. Coping the mind shifts the trauma to another part which over time becomes a part of a coping system. ))
I often feel confused.
I am sensory sensitive.
Easily startled.
Often frustrated.
Lack of sleep as alters up all night.

2. I am no longer able to hold a full time job. I suffer severe panic disorder and am prone to self seclusion.
Because my alters/parts have been very active the last while..can be in protection mode as I am unwell and stressed.
People don't know how to act or react to a 46 year old that is suddenly 5 or 22 ...personalitoes switch. Makes hard to keep friends. With trust issues already tbat I work on it is hard to make lasting connections.
I have been a sideshow at times. Many are curious but don't want to be around.
Family don't handle well seeing. Perhaps a reminder. For me is painful to not have real acceptance and understanding. A person with this is not living in the past. They are trying to live now with remnants of the past part of them.

3. Treatment. I wasn't properly diagnosed until I was 36.
From the age of 18 (first nervous breakdown) therapy one on one. I did outpatient 4 week programme.
The next meltdown at 27 I was given anti anxiety medication.
Seems a meltdown once every decade for me..perhaps a build up.
Continued meds and therapy.
I have never been hospitalized but I have been home hospitalized for suicidal behavior.
Currently. Double therapy one psychiatrist the other social worker. I have medication. I practice yoga and meditation.
Lots of changes in how I have co consciousness or lack of mostly in last 6 months. Dealing with physical cancer diagnisis has made my system very active...

4. An alter appeared after a big surgury.
Not sure. I had always skipped moments or periods. Thought I was just overbusy and forgetful..
Alters tend to hide or blend (be Me I am gone..they fill in) The 5 year old can't hide. Lol.
Over time I have learned I have 4 Alters witin my system. The brain is like a computer. It fragmented off parts to cope with tbe things I had faced as a child.
They continue to protect.


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