
Ignorance is the foul underbelly of this Society.
It reigns supreme on its pedestal.
In bliss thriving amongst the closed minded.
Until it is experienced a mental illness is deemed for the weak.
How far from the truth!
1 in 5 is a statistical fact.
1 in 5 will experience mental illness in their lifetime.
Strength is said to come from within.
The mind is the powerful guide to manuevering  life.
Think of a safari in the wild unknown without a working guide.
Ignorance will not help you find safety.
Eyes open.
See those that suffer.
So many fighting.
Will you be part of the problem?
Will you chose to be part of the solutions?
Look beside you to the other 4.
1 in 5.
One you know.
Take their side.
Open your mind.
Get informed.
Love them healingly.
Share those truths.


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