Me, Mental Health, and Cancer

I have an ongoing cancer.
I had my 3 month check.
I haven't been feeling right...
I have more tests which is always stressful.

I feel so many things.
I need a break for awhile.
This choice is mine in many respects
I am surviving Anal Cancer. It is similar, in some respects to skin cancer. Mine starts small as spot and spreads like little cauliflower along the surface and then inward. If left its progression will be a huge risk to my sphyncter.

For me it is a lot of unknowns. Oncology has brochures on all kinds of cancer but not mine.
Information on the web is not always reliable or accurate or does not pertain to my scenario.
There are few specialists in Ontario. The treatment available here is not as forward as other places.

I feel so much.
I feel numb.
I feel devastated.
I feel confused.
I feel.



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