You bet I did

I pulled it off. A mental heslth event to raise awareness.

The Faces of Mental Illness

(I)llness to (We)llness

I was host and MC.
Through exhaustion, stress, anxiety, I spoke off the cuff and felt strong enough to get it as right as I could. I spoke from my heart. Strong and clear.
Yes. I astonished myself.

I did not raise the hoped funds for CMHA Simcoe County.

The total is not in for sure.

Having not planned an Event of this magnitude before I had 120 seats with wanting 'bums' in them.

I have a soft heart and gave many tickets away.

I had several vendors that had Mental health related things to sell (raising funds for their own charities) So I paid for added space and chairs to accomodate. One vendor showed. I had not charged for tables...

Half my seats were empty. Also several who had reserved tickets not paid for sat unused or paid for.

Yes...(the low turn out) this lowered donations dramatically. Draw tickets sold but was not anywhere near what I had anticipated.


My thanks to all who made their way.

It was truly an amazing night.

I honestly hope it helped you in some way.

Hard work done. Goal accomplished.

Speaker headed back to Chicagoland.

Thank you Natalie Harris, Erika Reva, and Michael Landsberg for speaking their truths.

Thank you to each who donated books, draw items, artwork and poetry as well as time to help make this happen.

Time out.

I did it.



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