The 'Costs' Today

Horrendous to have any medical bills as a tax payer all my life. A Canadian.
Beyond the money the costs are high emotionally and physically.

I have anal cancer. No quick fix. Cut it out til we can't.

I have been fighting for years now.

No advocate.
Blindly going along.
Mistakes being made.
Going from doctor to doctor.
I often feel like a guinea pig.

My physical pain is a constant. Thrre is nerve damage, plus whatever is going on that I have an appointment to see the specialist in January about.
I expect to be booking surgery as that seems to be its pattern.

I have a little dog. My Therapy dog. He has to have dental surgery.
This is more financial stress.

Sometimes life does give you more than you can handle. Somehow I have always made it through. I will again.


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