Do You Know The Way???

Some days I feel so lost.

I am upside down and inside out.

Scattered like puzzle pieces. Some facing up and many not. I don't even know what I am putting together as I have lost the picture.

What is my goal?

In the moment stay, they say.
I can't.
I can't get there from here.
I don't know how.
I don't know how to get it calmed.

Yes I have myvtoolbox of tricks out. Self care. Breathe. Distraction. Stretching. Sit still with tea.

I don't know how when I am like this. I keep going to my toolbox. Repeat. Try again. Do it different. What more? Which way?

I have complex mental illness issues. I am well aware.
I do my very best.
At times this spinning does occur.
The brain is 'frazzled'.

How can I cope?
Can I get it straightened some, my wobbly footings?

Do you know the way?


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