To Cope 🤯

Lordy my life...

It gets hectic in my head. I am trying very hard to stay in the moment.

Life has many challenges for me.

I have to cope. So staying in the present is so important for my sanity. The rest combines, jumbled, scary...let it be when and where it is. To not bring a future oncology appointnent into now. Just today. Just right now.

What do I need? How do I feel? Task at hand. Not back. Not forward.


If you are riding the life river a foot on one raft and a foot on another will only lead to a spill out. The rafts being Yesterdays and Tomorrows. The spill is on Today.

So. I took my hanging calander out of plain sight. Then it isn't baiting myself into worry.

I have taken out and dusted off my yoga matt. I know the basics. It works for meditation and set quiet time.

Routine. I am building on that. I have little pieces thar are routine but much of my life has no structure. I will make it part of my daily goals.

Focus and calm. I can get there.


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