Words combined

Old gargoyles
Come to life
In sun or dark
A mighty fright
Their faces frown
Upon the happy
Knocking down love
Lashes of tongue
Fierce til time
Turns them back
To stone

Crashing waves
Over jagged rock
Carving its way
Layers softened
By water strength
Tumbled glass
Pieces edgeless
Shores sea glitter
In sand

With quiet strokes
Paddle in hand
Gentle waters
Canoe barely breaking
A world alone
Enjoyed peace
Calming force
Empowering task

I may crumble
I may fall
Skinned knees
Tired and broken
Time may pass
Yet I rise
Feet unsteady
Forward motion
In bits
It comes
The journey

Glazed over
Thick mist hovers
Just above the surface
Dark waters
Blanketed in white
Rocks gently crest
Its surface
Still air
Warm meets cold
Til sun
Burns it away
Photo by  @TheWeInMe https://t.co/JpiV9I00UcChild rest


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