Five Decades - Part 1

I am in my 51st year. I live by the belief that you are 'only as old as you think'. Realistic, no. Life has had many moments of body, mind and soul hurts. Some left damage. Yet I try to have the spirit of youth. Curious and a mind to grow in wisdom. Experiences are the liferide.

I have big hair that is fairly long. Brown with natural highlights of auburn, blonde, black, and thick wirey silvers I think I earned. They add to my sparkle those silver hairs.'s decade 6 I have recently entered. I am not liking the numbers. I often feel it. Remembering past things gets to be a reality slap. My lordy was that really that long ago??? Indeed, these things were. 

50 plus. Living in a one bedroom apartment with my little dog. 7 year old boy Chorkie who is 6.4 pds heavy.'s Winter weight...maybe too many Covid isolation treats. Tyson. I didn't name him. He reminds me of a Wookie. A know...from Star Wars. Google it, ask Siri or Alexa. And yes U saw them when they Original hit the Movie Theaters and there was no internet. 

I was born in October of 1970. On the cusp of Libra/Scorpio the 23rd was my arrival day. 


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