Sky Talk

I often question many things in life. I have a spiritual view of things. Energy in all things. A God....hmm...not sure. I do feel the connection to the sky. Perhaps, the vast beyond is where the answers lay. 

Life has handed me many difficulties and tasks I feel are harsh.  I have also felt deep joys, happiness and love. Life, like vinegar and sugar. 

Feeling lost after the death of my papa and many changes. Finding my ground has been difficult. In despair, many moments I turn to the sky. Day or night it's always there. Ever present. The stars never leave. 

The sky. Energy of what has come and gone. I speak to the universe. To those who have left. I need help. I need answers. I want my pops back! 

Help me Papa. My days are long and lonely. Anxiety has me by the throat. You always had my back. Always there to encourage me. I need your guidance.  I need your strength. I need your voice to tell me "it's going to be OK honey" like you always did.

People tell me to Live so he can continue to live through my eyes. I want that. I would do so much better with him still here. When I push hard and get out and actually feel life and do what I want I tell the sky.

I think he is a Star watching over me. I hope. Talking about my wins I know all the praise he would be giving me.  

Tears and rare smiles. Hoping with the sky for more of the good feels.


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