🔒Gaslighting ~ Head Games

When someone is able to distort and manipulate the facts to point where one can no longer distinguish what is real.
Often in abusive situations...from verbal to physical..domestic to sexual....it is a Mind Fuck.
Not only was I unsure of what was and wasn't happening in my life I also kept myself so busy there was no time to think of abuse.
Physically I was kissed and bit on the lip with tongue in inappropriate relationships. I was too young and then too scared to do anything. I also wasn't sure if it was normal. I didn't know. It was the seventies and I was Catholic raised.
I had been hit. I had been burned. I  had my fingers squished at my knuckles to bring tears. More...
I was told stories a child should never hear..let alone an adult. If I didn't listen a gun came out at times. Pay attention.
I believed women including my mother my sister and I were sluts, cunts, whores, bitches, dirty....my mom was home baking cookies...is this true?
My Don...the man who gave us a safe place to go....it was horrible. I can not even say the words used.
Mind fuck.
In my marriage my husband had severe gambling problem. When he wasn't in full addiction, he was my love, my wonderful partner...my world...but I didn't know he spent over 11 months hiding the huge debt..and it continued to happen...it was me....I thought I wasn't a good enough wife...yes was a form of domestic abuse.
Mind fucks are damaging beyond any explanation.
The gravity of life imprint is a continuous battle to be in reality and protect self.


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