Coping 101.πŸ™ƒ

Living in the body.
Every person lives a different life. Endures hardships. Feels love, loss,pain...
We process things in our individual way.

I have serious health issues both physically and mentally. Some of it goes hand in hand. Some is a haunting I don't look for, but am triggered often. Cptsd DID panic anxiety depression...

I am having a lot of trouble with my body. I want to feel better in everyway. The Anal Cancer ..a growth has returned. I just found out yesterday. I am in a self storm. Inside just bouncing. Thoughts are everything but nothing. I am discombobulated. A sort of shock has given away to "how will I manage...?"
More surgery first. I have no idea from there. Oncology...

Where are my tools? My support network?
The lists for distraction. Breathing. I work at it. Over and over. It is my choice to act or react...they say this...not always true if you are a person that Disassociates. Alters do and say things I have No clue.

Managing. Today I don't have balance. I am not feeling well and that could be lack of sleep and stress.
It is soft self care time.
Hot bath. Tea. Music. Rest.
And perhaps a good cry.


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