Breathe through It Here

It was needed.

A really deep breathe.

More than one, and slow.

It was hot out. A bit of a breeze. Clear and fresh.
The sun was low in the sky
It's felt good on my strained face.
Stressed...anger, frustration, sadness and a feeling of futility.

Take 20, she heard that saying somewhere.

Time out.

Mind in full spin over days of house infighting. A place that was supposed to be home no longer felt any peace or safety. Emotional hostage. Trapped in ways to long to explain.


No more thinking.
There is no reasoning with what is happening. Age and health, history and mystery.

Just breathe.

Can't fix it. Nope. Not today.


It's too much...

It's been this before and passed.

You know this is out of hands but those of a professional. Some are time and agebound. Not a lot there can be done to stop time marching forword.


I am not ready for them aging. I am not ready to watch them going little by little! Make this stop!

Breathe please.

Strong inside.
Let out the tears.
Mourning so much.

Breathe in.

As the sun falls.
Rest the mind.
Rest the mind.
For now....Pause = Peace


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