Am I Sensitive?

I am sensitive.
I also am kind.
I am perhaps easily offended by some things.
I have a strong sense of values. Blame my Catholic upbringing. I learned early to fight or flee. Most often I flee. If I chose to fight it is that I feel a line ( what I feel is right or wrong ) has been crossed. Then it is on. No silence. Not anymore. Years of being silent for so many things and people have passed. I speak out.

And the Dragon blew fire back. I did not waver.
My hands clenched tight around my sword.
Shaking I rose it high. Hefted up with courage.
My voice ...listen.
Strongly speak. I will not bow to your breathe.
Be kind.
Tame yourself Dragon.
I come only with a message.
Why must you burn me?
And the Dragon blew fire back. I did not waver.

I will not be silenced by intimidation. Yet I do feel fear as I try hard to stand up.
Sensitive yes.
I feel it deeply when my voice is not heard.


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