Part of the Story (a letter)

Part of the Story

Dear Me/We

We never take the time to let you know your truths.
Having lived a life with many harsh experiences one might think you would be jaded and angry. Despite your childhood traumas you found deep strength in ways many could not understand. A fragmented psyche that developed to keep you safe. You have DID. Alters there but you did not know.  Functional and protective.

Anxiety and depression would reign. Even as a child you were nervous, rubbing to corderoy off your jeans tryingv to calm yourself.
You held a crooked smile for so long. Inside turmoil and terror.

You aged into a beautiful woman. Your heart grew softer instead of hard. You are warm where cold could reside.

Married at 21.  It was 11 years of deep love, but heartbreak with an addicted partner. From him being into sobriety to being out of any recovery and a raging gambler... you held on to hope.
Dashed it was.
Time and again trust smashed.
Reality of your love crippled.
Financial abuse and your life left in shambles.

Again, you picked yourself up. Years in divorce court.
Now you were 37.
Disheveled and scattered.
Life broken and lost.
You held on barely.

Desperate and failing you sought more help. You worked on yourself. You found your inner sparkle.

And your story continued.....

From US


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