Believe This

I believed.
I saw but didn't see.
You had your truth that you hid.
Once so young I believed another.
The hurt stayed and fractured my being.
Another...I had come to the same conclusion.
Too young to have learned what was not real.
Naive and hopeful.
I trusted.
Woven illusions of binding strings. Decisions made based on what I was fed in lies.
Omissions that led to my being at risk repeatedly.
I believed the lies.
Many tell them.
I know more now.
More than 40 years later I know the reality I did not know then.
Like all I believed that rooked me, let me fall and crash.
I rise.
I fight.
I will claw my way back.
There I will make my own life.
One with no fogged glasses.
Back to a life I take charge of.
I believe in me.


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