
7 yrs and my first remission.

So happy.I am in remission!!!

Lots of damage is the pain but I am cleared for 6 months. This is first totally clear check in 7 yrs.

HPV related anal cancer just sucks. As all cancers do!

Yes. After almost 7 yrs I am officially in Remission.

It is a fantastic word. A freedom for 6 months from oncology and pokes and prods etc is awesome.

What does it mean?

Honestly, we don't know.

For today it means no cancer cells are detected or active.

I am well aware that Anal Cancer takes many routes. Having hpv related means I will always have hpv with break risk that can turn to tumors.

I take my six months with a grain of salt.

I will do everything to enjoy the free days.


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