
The harsh lessons of life often leave wounds. Not all leave marks. There are hurts no one can see. The mind is their keeper. There are no bandaids. Healing can be tedious, with need for constant conscious attention. Cautious perseverance required. 

Bruises and outside wounds can be part of regular life learning. It's part of living human. 

Experience can be inspiring, even if we have hurt ourselves in the process. Some visible wounds inflicted can be traumas. If at the hands of another it may be a long-term process for healing. 

The stains of the past can be brutal at times. With no bandaids we must seek the ways through. This can be a difficult path to manuever. Finding the right help and doing the emotional work are a choice of mental bandaids of sorts. 

This life is full of challenges.  Every person, every life unique. To mend and continue on our journey will require some bandaids for best results. The paths are bumpy for all of us.

Be kind.
Be someone's bandaid.


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