
I'm missing him. I'm missing my pops. Don has been gone a year and a half and it really doesn't feel like it. 

I'm having the cycling of grief.  It comes on hard. My heart is squeezed. I am dropped into the depths of sadness. 

Memories flood my mind. Good and bad. All the things we shared. All of what he taught me. All of his support and love that I had. Oh, how I miss his comfort. 

He wasn't a cape wearing hero. But he was mine. He truly saved me from a bitter life with my biological father. He helped me prevail through the time I did have to go to be with my father. He was the salve after the harshness and insanity. He didn't know it then. It would take many years for truths to surface but he knew my father was 'unstable'. I think he sensed the need for gentle love. 

I'm sad. I have lost so much in my life but him gone stings the worst. 

I'm moving on but my heart can still hurt. I live in a place where I see pops everywhere. My hometown. It was also his hometown. 

He's with me. I know this. Somehow he is. I sometimes feel like he's right close. I just want one more...

One more hug.


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