Health today

Got a call to go see my doctor. Have not been feeling good and trouble in different areas. End result of visit:

Down 4 more pds since visit in June...calories need to be more. Doctor happy about getting what I can in. With full supplement diet as well.
Sending to Gastrointestinal Specialist to have checked. Wait for appointment.
Meantime Panteloc prescribed.

Skin issue. New rash on elbow may be from stress. Could be from MASH hospital trip...looks like contact dermatologic reaction...trial special cream and see first. If it does not clear. Will be refered to dermatologist.

My bum. The trip to Toronto hospital discussed. I am being sent to see local General Surgeon for follow up and check about nerve bulge....wait for appointment.

Blood in urine last three tests...could be one of a thousand things or nothing.
First ultrasound and appointment with Urologist. Wait for appointments.

Go give another urine sample at lab this week.

What a day.
Went shopping with my visiting friend. After appointment.  Have been ready for bed since I can't sleep.

What a day.


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