Safe people

If any one of my alters contacts you feel privileged. They don't expose themselves freely. Only safe people. Almost always it will be Wee. She is truly in 'her time'. 4 going on 5 right now.
They all have secrets even I don't know. They have lived in fear so they don't share their life. "Time travelling".
I am writing this blog with their blessings. How do I know? We communicate on paper, text from me to me. Notes. They each put a check mark yes to talk about them.
They are bright. They are kind...unless you hurt one of us...or if you piss one off. They feel. I don't know what they think or do. I deal with aftermath often. And they delete things so I may not have a clue what is going on.
I was planning to have a cheap holiday.  I don't have money. I save and save and save. I am not able to have a job. I miss time. I have anxiety to panic. This is not a pleasure cruise. But it's My Ride! I make the best of it.
So not safe where I was going to go. New plan.
I know you are either reading this to learn about mental illness like mine, your curious, your my friend/family and some are do understand or you are trying or maybe you can relate. Anyway you read just know I am me. Big April aka Pami. They let you know who they are if they can. If it's in panic none of us communicate well. It's like a seizure.
I ask you to be kind. They mean no harm. In today...they want only to be loved and give love.
What happened to 'friend' last night they didn't delete.
They wanted to introduce themselves. They thought you were safe. I have a list but sometimes they forget the rules.
So when you said;

"I do not want to hear about your sex things that is private" in text Wee didn't understand. You told her that is a private conversation...
You called the phone. She was excited. We may come visit....

I am perplexed.

Maddy let her talk to you. Maddy was upset and she told you why...

I am ME
We are we.
I cannot change this today
But I won't hide anymore
Roll with it.
Open your mind
Treat me like a mood ring....
I change but I am still me.


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