🔒Trigger Flashbacks and Panic

A trigger may be from deep feeling that you are not lovable....it's impressed on your brain ...takes time to change those deep wrong beliefs about ourselves.
Trauma is like a burn on the brain..some heal better than others and use different ways to adjust.
Triggers set of a series of things different for each person. The pattern of flashbacks, perhaps seizure like symptoms, a body and mind in fight or flight.
In a normal persons lifetime the likelihood of each person alive having one is very high. I am not quoting numbers..look it up...lol. Mental health issues have been hidden for years and it continues...answers and research and sharing are the help needed.
I had a panic attack last night.  I have medication but it went from zero to 100 in seconds..
My alters tried to handle as I am also physically unwell for some time and am weak.
Well..this morning I have a whacked head...Wee and them..this ride to help??...ended up hitting head on corner of high boy dresser.
Now I really am hurting...panic sometimes the least or worst of alternatives.
On the end. Panic is different for everyone..some have big flashbacks and loss of real time.  Can my moments or hours and with severe dissassocative disorder...days plus...


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