When the Defense Mechanism Works

The majority of the world population is touched by mental illness in some way at some point in their lives. Some as family and friends of those who battle. Some with hereditary factors, some chemical imbalance, many through lack of proper tools for coping in certain environments or exposure to situations that are abnormal..no one choses.
The brain is like a huge computer. Anatomy of the brain is complex is still unexplained in many ways.
Across the planet their are suffers in hiding, shunned, greatly misunderstood, not treated and some face total unacceptance or even death. Mental health care worldwide is an issue we must warrior for.
A defense mechanism the body has or creates must be accepted and understood. More awareness and research and treatment required.
I want you to know that for me..
Having complex PTSD and DID formerly known as multiple personality disorder has been a long and painful journey. I will be 46 soon and am still learning about myself, self care and treatment. The warrior continue. With that I try to pass on what I learn.
I "outed " myself as having DID because it is greatly misunderstood. Integration is pushed as THE answer.
It is my experience...I have come to accept that my 4 alters and I can work together. This is a difficult and ever changing process...learning to be ME. We are One. It is defense that has saved my life literally. I tried suicide...was stopped by an alter. Integration may be a goal. Today The Defense Mechanism Works!


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