When Is It Over?

This life is a journey for every breathing being. Mine is not unique. Perhaps it is to some. I  know there are many other abuse victims just like me that are in the thousands and thousands worldwide. My diagnosis according to the DSM....blah blah blah. It doesn't matter.
I warrior against PTSD  (mine stems from multiple abuses in childhood, not warfare related), thus I also have Disassociation  (high grade as I have formed alters as a defense mechanism), anxiety and depression.
The journey of healing and acceptance and learning is ongoing.
When does it end? I have had this question in my mind at times. I have heard others pose it?
My answer is...never. Ihave learned that it changes. I have won some and some I continue to learn as I battle.
I got over many hurdles...example...my Sexuality.  It took many years to feel clean. I wanted love and had a twisted sense of how to get it. I had a great sense of doing but no clue about Being. I came from fear. Trust took time...and lots of therapy. It has been a roller coaster for me. Yes. I have alters. Wee has abuse..not Sexuality other than to know she is a girl
with different parts than a boy. Maddy is in her early 20s ..seeking control and love...there are two more who do not act upon Sexuality today. Even knowing what all the MEs do and are is a learning experience for me.
When is it over ?
Why? How?
The questions are pointless.
The journey isn't.


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