Please Don't Cry...

Glasses on
Exchanging you
Thoughts of me
Moved I hear
No. No. My friend
Do not cry...
We share
But then
For safety
I never told...
No one
And within myself
I broke free
In pieces
By a fractured mind
Yet grateful
Do not cry..for me..
Out for you
Let free that hurt
I cry too
Today just look forward you.
No tears.

I had a visit with a lifelong friend...well we were in elementary school together. We grew up and older together but apart. Always, we have held our friendship over almost 42 yrs.

As friends. Young. In our own worlds..
We often don't know the trials and turbulances of our friends.
As close as we may be. No telling and silence included you...especially my close heart friends.

I know my blog is difficult for many to read. I have tried to "temper" my words.
My hurtful past is a series of terribly unfortunate events...hidious things that many cannot read. I forget...

I blog in hope to make others understand labels/mental disorders, about how I got this way...not to harm or entertain. (Also tips on self care. Affimations and poetry..etc.)

It is a piece of me. My life. The hard stuff...
I have tried to remember to put trigger warning on. Then you can skip the hard stuff...I do understand.
Hey. I get scared watching cartoon movies...😏
I am now going to try to some how flag them.

Please do not cry. 😢 You didnt know. I didn't and still don't know my own past. Puzzle pieces....

I love that you loved me...and continue to accept me with true love and as unconditional as a person could need.❤
Thank YOU!


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