Blowing Through

The winds are blowing. Snow swirls against the window. It is a night for snuggling up. 
My mind cannot settle. I can only describe it as loud. 
My thoughts against a backdrop of a large vent going on in the background. 
Noisy but I can distinguish nothing in particular. 
My head aches. Life has been challenging to say the least. 
Being strong is wearing. Need to just drop out and disappear for a bit from my world. 
Escape comes in many forms. But being 5 Alive with DID means being Here is 
Too many things overlapping. It's not the weather. It is not 'the Season'. It is being with the people and things that are hrre and just going far too fast. 
I wish I had a shut off or pause button. Now that would be magic!! 
For now it is a day. And tomorrow will be another....


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