Alter Funnies

As a coping mechanism disassociation with firm alters can be funny at times.
I spend some of my time in a state of anxiety and fear thus alters get more active. I am tired and vulnerable so an alter may be trying to ease My burden by being present.
I do not have conscious connection with my words or action. Formethe times of them out and active are a Blackout period. This can be seconds or minutes..hours to days. What I learn is from seeing changes in my environment or from what someone else tells me. Some things alters write to me or voice record etc.
This blog is dedicated to some of the funny things I figure out...or wake to..

The Funny Things

I suppose it depends on what you define as ‘funny’.
I was diagnosed as Disassociative at 36. It had never been apparent. Alters tend to blend or hide. They are protectors for me. Having created a place for a time of abuse to be shelyered in my mind…over time growing in their responsibilty to care for this body. Me.
Wee came out and since has become a big part of my life and days. She is 1975 personified. Perpetually stuck at that age yet believes she has the fascinating ability of ‘time travel’. How else could she be here and then there just moments apart?? My mind…a piece is reliving that time period.
She has me but I can’t communicate with her other than on a wipe board or notes. I know things because I see her aftermath…things left that are obviously her doing.
This leads me to where I began…funny things. I come to in odd places but at home. The closet was her favorite. Any closet would do…
I had been dating a fellow and his closet had a bottom of sportsbags, shoes, dust, the odd dirty sock… It was a mound. Definitely not a closet built for a woman who is 5’7” and a bit. Wee forgets that the body is big. I woke there on more than one occasion – him snoring away not having noticed. He was aware I switched ( changed personalities ).
Let’s talk about shopping…..
I get things in my cart I did not put in. I am pretty used to and kind of figure out who wants what…not always, but of the 4 Wee is obvious. Minions. Anything minion or the Pets. In the cart.
Coming to ..missing a moment then having Children’s Chrome and pink sparkly sunglasses on is a whole different thing!   “Wee!!! NO!” Talking to myself….
I avoid the children’s section at the big book and gift store. I KNOW. Sometimes my will gets overtaken….Just for a minute…lol. I hear from my friends if I am with someone. Puppets…sits at kids table and plays with the train set. Is well behaved.
I have been on my own and come out of that section with a stuffed dog inmy hand. I was again “No”. I have to laugh.
She will pop out and I don’t notice or feel it. Sometimes I feel her push or pull. She likes something or wants to see.
Her time is mostly night. At home. Protecting all night.
I have woke short some hair, half an eyebrow shaved off, bangs cut or just a peep hole at the front…a marker made red highlight. The morning hair I wake to is often both a surprise and shockingly funny. I have very long hair. They do like to put it up in al kinds of ways. I woke with two little buns way up high on each side but they looked like Mickey Mouse ears!!
There are so many things she does or prints or colours or makes. Just make me howl. So much joy in her. Not always but she is pretty cool.
Wee is 5. They are funny at that age. I wasn’t blessed with my own children…but I have Wee.


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