i wrote to you.📝

I wrote to you. 

It was so long ago. 

My heart poured out so fast. In words I had emptied into a jar I had sealed and hid away. Things I stowed not to say.

I wrote to you. 

Unhindered words. The deads we'd done. You had yours. I had mine. We parted ways. Both in pain. 

I wrote to you. 

I had lost my way. Without a harbour to settle in safely I floated adrift. 
My seas were filled with storms. Winds had blown up from beyond. I had no strength to paddle alone to safety. Seeking a rock to tether myself to. Hoping the storms would pass.

I wrote to you.

Much from Us had left it's mark. Some from you. Some from me. Together then parted...tearing apart our history.
You knew my story. A life distraught. I had found peace time and again. In Us I found living. My breathe was free. 
Til you silenced me. 

I wrote to you. 

Shut away the love. You strayed to another. Secrets hidden. Perhaps I was naive to think your heart held firm. My resolve to take what crumbs you threw no longer fed my ravenous soul. 

I wrote to you.

I dropped to my knees in mystery. Questions where no answers would ever come. I still held you in my heart. Abandoned self. Incomplete this journey.

I wrote to you. 

I said it all. Again, I sheltered and tossed the words away. No letter sent. 


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