Losing My 'Rocks'

A 'Rock' is a person we feel we can absolutely count on. A respected and gracious 'go to' that knows us well.

Someone who understands mental defence mechanism. PTSD with DID and severe anxiety being our prevalent mental illnesses. 

We don't know how to cope with losses. 
Friends leave. People move on. People die. Reality.

A long period of few supports, no life partner, add the losses of our 'Rocks' is devastating to us. 

It is not a want. It is need. Security outside this body. 

The traumas of being abused and abandoned...the childhood that lingers...we have attachment and trust issues. Things, places and people we recognize as SAFE. 

Find within,  many tell us. 

We are 5....5 Alive.

That isn't how it can be..not simple by any stretch. (You can't rationalize with a five year old 'time traveler') #DIDproblems.

We are learning our strengths. We work to find what may become new life rocks. We feel so unsure and vulnerable. 

Just hold on for the unfolding of what may come. 


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