At 25

I saw a post today " What would you tell your 25 year old self?".
I was quickly in thought. I have so much to tell Me.
25. I had been married 4 yrs by then. Had a good job with a local Chiropractor just setting up shop. My home was an apartment in a quiet building. With hubby and a crazy cat. We were far from rich but my husband had just landed a fantastic job and things were looking up. Lots of good friends and good times. I had terrible anxiety. My mood shifted. I had moments. I struggled in my head.
Would I tell her to get ready as shit was about to hit the fan?
Hey are about to find out your husband gambles...and it will happen more?
You are about to experience panic attacks like mad?
There are good moments in between..

I would tell Me nothing.

I have an array of life experiences. At 25 I was struggling but happy.
Today is really not different. My circumstances and experiences are mine. They make me.
Who I was and where I was at 25 was just right.
Let life unfold as it may.
And now.


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