Before I Die

I have so much to do. I am not ready to go.
When I got my cancer diagnosis recently my mind went on the flurry. A storm of thoughts. Emotions from numb to terror.
I am not done. I am strong.
I have never had a 'Bucket' List. Mine is a 'Living' List..always has been ongoing list of things I would like to experience before I leave this planet.
Now it is a lifeline.
The hopes. Dreams. Faith. Believing it can happen somehow, some way, someday. I want to stay in that frame of mind.
Before I is inevitable. Human. Life ends.
A wake up call some say.
I already got the call several times..I realy didn't require a reminder. It is. A reminder.
Precious is life. Even when it sucks. When I feel at the end of the rope. I am still hanging on.
Before I die...don't underestimate me life. I am far from done.


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