Self care Tools

Self care tools are numerous. Everyone has different things they may practice to help self. When in the middle of crisis, anger, anxiety, depression...I find it easy to forget these tools.
Becoming mindful of this I created a set of post its and small lists put up in various spots as well as in my carry bag etc.

Breathing excercise is number one for me. So easy to forget this simple exercise that can help reset my body.

4 in 4 hold 4 out 4 pause Repeat.

A note up has been helpful. I focus on the words and do the exercise.

Add beads or tactile distraction.

I keep a trove of those types of things. From silly putty to worry beads and glitter wands...whatever works.


Alphabet games. A -Z people names
                                        Food items

Bath or shower


Shake body out


You get the idea. I also keep a call list of safe people to phone with times likely available.

It is about figuring out how I can most independently help myself cope.

Know your options. Be prepared.


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